Dui Rupaiyan is an action drama movie featuring Nischal Basnet and Buddhi Tamang. Dui Rupaiya Nepali movie is directed by Asim Shah which was released on September 8, 2017. This movie song "Kutu ma Kutu" set's the record for the fastest to get 10 Million views.
Dui Rupaiyan is an action drama movie featuring Nischal Basnet and Buddhi Tamang. Dui Rupaiya Nepali movie is directed by Asim Shah
which was released on September 8, 2017. This movie song "Kutu ma Kutu" set's the record
for the fastest to get 10 Million views.
Dui Rupaiyan Story
Dui Rupaiyan is a comedy of errors film starring Asif Shah
and Nischal Basnet as two low life goons, who have been working for a smuggler
for quite some time.
One day, while conducting such smuggling, they lose the
transaction slip – a Rs. 2 note. The film "Dui Rupaiyan" entails
their quest to find that Rs. 2 and save their necks, all the while saving
themselves from local thugs, police and their boss too.
Dui Rupaiyan Nepal Movie Details
Director: Asim Shah
Writer: Asif Shah
Starring: Nischal Basnet, Swastima Khadka, Asif Shah, Buddhi Tamang, Rabindra
Jha, Pramod Agrahari, Sumi Moktan
Release Date: September 8, 2017